Archive for Silver Oaks

Seeing Red

Posted in Photography, Wine with tags , , , , on March 4, 2010 by Megs

Thomas Arvid…painter, sculptor and wine aficionado.  It’s a natural jump for the connoisseur of fine living, art plus wine must equal success.  Thomas Arvid discovered exactly that.  Often being credited with launching a major trend in art, Thomas was always inspired by all things red.  Though he started out painting various unrefined commodities, wine stood out.  ”Every time I tried to do a red wine painting, somebody would buy it off my easel,” he told the Associated Press. “It took me about four or five attempts before I realized maybe I was onto something.”  Thomas Arvid now has a 4 year wait list for original work and has expanded to include other mediums.  His most recent undertaking was a sculpture of a Silver Oak cork entitled “Cork Envy”.  Thomas is an extremely gifted artist, his works tell a story and seem to jump off the page to capture your intrigue.  They fooled me at first…he is such a realistic painter that he could often be mistaken for a photographer.  His paintings will certainly inspire me to shoot from a few different angles.  Visit his website to view his creations, read more about the man behind the art and learn about his next showing near you!