Archive for Sailboats

Sailboats on Saturday

Posted in Photography with tags , , , on May 30, 2009 by Megs

As I stepped out my back door to the porch I was ready to investigate the weather.  I was unprepared for the suprise I had been readily awaiting since I moved to our new apartment.  Sailboats!  I noticed this week that some had begun to be docked out in the bay, but had forgotten in the morning haze about my excitement of the potential boats.  As I looked down toward the bay there was a flock of sailboats floating around the channel.  It was quite an odd site, they looked much like a flock of birds wandering the water.  Some seemed to move while others stood still, I could see people talk to each other from boat to boat.  I bashed inside to grab my trusty stead, the Nikon, and quickly snapped a few shots.  The clouds were just subsiding from all the rain we have had in the last few days and the sun was coming out for the first time since Tuesday.  It was in all consideration a perfect moment.  The only thing I wished for was Ryan to be home so we could take the boat out closer to them, I don’t drive the boat!   My pictures came our fairly well with no edits…here are a few.  I’ll work on editing…check back for more.